Pine Mount Consulting provides expertise in historic preservation, open space preservation, community planning, economic development, and creative placemaking.
With over 20 years of experience in taking a comprehensive approach to community development, Pine Mount Consulting has a unique skill set to help guide your organization or community through ever-changing challenges. Communities are evolving at a rapid pace, populations are diversifying and moving, and leaders are in an accelerating sprint to create the amenities that will provide the high quality of life savvy residents and visitors are coming to expect.
Through a comprehensive view and analysis of a community the critical attributes can be revealed and precise recommendations can be implemented.
Determining the most effective investments in a community for quality of life and economic vitality. Communities today need a smart growth plan of action to remain relevant and sustainable.
To maintain a unique sense of place and secure a vibrant and attractive community space, preservation of both significant historic structures and open space is essential as a community grows.